Thursday, April 1, 2010

My brilliant plan...

I've gotta say, I'm pretty proud of myself for this one.

I've been watching my best friend's "critters" while they were in Disney over spring break. These critters consist of 2 frogs, 2 turtles, a few hermit crabs, and a snake named Rigby.

Rigby is a corn snake. He's not that big, but he's a snake non-the-less.
I thought their family was coming back today and I had some mail that I needed to drop at their house. So I decided to put a post-it note on the mail saying "I can't find Rigby =/"
Then, of course I would put a note on the tank that says "April Fools!"

My plan didn't quite work out as expected. Here's how it panned out.

My friend Paige called me to tell me she was home with the rest of the band who had gone on the band trip to Disney. Katie (my friend) was not home yet because she traveled back with her family, not the band. (Marching band that is.) So I told Paige about my brilliant idea. I was kind of complaining because it wouldn't be realized until tomorrow when they got home and it was no longer April Fools day, but whatever. I hung up the phone. Paige calls back about 2 minutes later. "Meghan [Katie's sister] just texted me and wanted me to ask you how the "critters" were doing... should I tell her "OH MY GOSH RIGBY'S MISSING!!" Me: DUHHHHH.

About 5 minutes later I get a frantic call from Katie. Here's how I remember it going:
Me: Hi Katie!
Katie: Hey.... uhm... Is Paige full of crap?
Me: No... I can't find him.
Katie: Are you serious?
Me: Yep.
Katie:.... oh my gosh...
Me: Katie... Have you realized what day today is??
Katie: Uhm.. April... OH MY GOSH I HATE YOU.
Me: I love you too hon.
Katie: you had me reallllly freaked out there!!
Me: I know.

And that's about how it went. My brilliant April Fools joke... =D

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