Saturday, April 10, 2010

NIPTO, Day 62

DUUUUUUUDE. I'm tired. Let's just say I've gotten 5 hours of sleep in the past 36ish hours... Pirates vs Ninjas will do that to you. I think I'm going to write a separate post about that later...
Let's just say... woke up at 6:45 Friday morning, didn't go to sleep until 5:45 Saturday morning, woke up at 9 on Saturday and took a nap from about 2-3. And I want to sleeeeep.

I also can't talk... and am drinking peppermint tea because I can't talk. Peppermint tea is my favorite. I ♥ tea... did you know that? I take it to class with me almost every Monday morning :)
(My mom just walked into my room and made a noise... of disgust or disapproval or both. Because, well, my stuff kind of exploded around my room when I got home... and I'm too tired to pick it up... sooo it stays on the floor till tomorrow afternoon. hah)

John 21:1-25
John 21:17-The third time [Jesus] said to [Simon Peter], "Simon son of John, do you love me?"
  Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you"
  Jesus said, "Feed my sheep."

This verse has always held my interest for some reason or another. Just the fact that Jesus asked Peter for the third time if he loved him makes it an interesting verse. This verse has always seemed accessible because Peter is hurt... which is a very human thing. Everyone has been hurt by a friend. If you haven't, you're an extremely small minority.  I just like this verse. Peter also addresses that Jesus knows all things and that he knows that he loves him, but Jesus wanted to hear it from Peter's own mouth, I think. Love is one of those things that can be expressed in many ways, but there's something about hearing the words "I love you" from a person makes you feel special.
Typing that out makes me think of Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility (If you've never read it and don't want a spoiler, don't read the until the next paragraph*). She fell for this guy. And this guy fell for her. Long story short: Guy finds out he has no money, pushes girl away, doesn't answer letters, eventually sends her a letter basically cutting her off from him. Marianne's sister, Elenore, asks her after she gets the letter if he really loved her. Marianne tells her that it was "every day implied but never spoken."
We should take opportunities to tell the people we love that we love them. Plain and simple. Tell God that you love him too. He loves to hear it and he will show you love in unimaginable ways.

Revelation 1:8-"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."

I find the ordering of the "who is, and who was, and who is to come" part so so so significant. Present, past, future. Present... God is here. Now. He IS. Future... God was... God has been forever. Future... God will be forever. Forever and ever. He has been forever, he is, he will be forever. Who else can say that but God?

I was listening to music while I was getting ready for bed/writing that last bit about Revelation, and I was listening to "You Won't Relent" by Misty Edwards.
Misty Edwards has some fantastic music. I haven't listened to as much of it as I want to, but I know it's awesome. Anyways. You won't relent. Powerful song.
I'm going to post it here.

Listen to it. Pay attention to the words. Soak it in.

God isn't going to relent. He's not going to give up until everything you are is his.

Be my fire, Lord. Let me burn for you. Let the fire that burns in my heart shine out for the world to see. You love me and will never stop loving me no matter what I do. I love you soooo much. You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. You're always with me even though I don't always realize it. "You dance over me/While I am unaware/You sing all around/Though I never hear the sound/Lord I'm amazed by you/Lord I'm amazed by you/Lord I'm amazed by you/How you love me"
It's amazing. I never deserved this. I'll never deserve this. But you still died even though I'm unworthy. I'm amazed by your love.
Fill me with you. I love you.

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