Thursday, July 8, 2010

NIPTO, Day 151

Woah! It's morning! And I'm blogging!
And since it's a blog-sleep-blog kinda day... I guess I'll just do NIPTO?

Acts 4:18-22

 18Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 

So if you remember from my last post, the Sanhedrin guys had called in Peter and John because they had healed a beggar guy. Then they had to send them away because the beggar guy was with Peter and John and they couldn't really say anything in front of them. The Sanhedrin guys decided that what Peter and John were doing (healing people in Jesus' name) had to stop.
Annnd so they called them back in and told them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But get what their response is:

19But Peter and John replied, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. 20For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." 

They were like, "Look, guys, I guess you'll have to decide for yourselves if it's right in God's eyes to obey you instead of God... I mean, we can't help that we're telling people about what we've seen and heard." 
Telling people your experiences is a natural part of... life. Of getting to know someone. And these guys just happened to have some very controversial experiences under their belts.

 21After further threats they let them go. They could not decide how to punish them, because all the people were praising God for what had happened. 

They threatened them a little bit more... then they let them go. They weren't sure how to punish them. People were praising God for Peter&John healing the crippled man. Why? Read on.

22For the man who was miraculously healed was over forty years old.

Uhm... wow. I mean, after being crippled from birth, to be healed after forty years... that's incredible. Miraculous, in fact.

That's all for NIPTO...
I'm babysitting today... and
packing for LT! (We leave on Saturday morning, bright and early!)
If you don't know what LT is, I'll explain:
LT stands for Life Training. (I might occasionally add an HS to the beginning for High School)
We're going to be spending the week in Wilmington, North Carolina with about 135 other people to learn and grow! We're staying at the University of North Carolina: Wilmington (UNC:W)
We'll be going to seminars and teaching times. We'll also be doing a little bit of evangelism and at least one service project. It's going to be a fantastic week, and I'm hoping that I can keep everyone updated while we're there! (I'm not sure how much access I'll have to a computer (My dad's) or even how much time I'll have to blog.) Hopefully I'll be able to blog in little segments throughout the day.
We're leaving Saturday morning at 6:00! We're taking down 3 vans, and mine is going to be the
partayyy van! (3 upcoming freshman and me? OH yeahhh). All the senior girls are riding with my parents and all the boys are riding down with Mr. H. (or The H-Unit) =P

I'll try to keep you updated!

Peace outttttt,

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