Hey all!
Today was a good day. A little crazy, but super good!
It's kind of sad because I need to look at my schedule/notes to see what we did! =P
Okay. This morning we had a session at The Hilton (the church we're using had... church! Cuz it's a Sunday. Even though it feels like... an unnamed day that is LT days! hah)
So. This morning. Tohmas Lemus talked. The title of the "sermon/talk" that he gave was "My time to go." And it was challeniging and awesome. Like, just not to wait until you're older because then you'll think you're too old, or whatever. How we just need to go.
He talked about how the world today doesn't necessarily believe in teenagers. But God believes in teenagers. And looking through the Bible, there are a ton of teenagers in there that did amazing things.
Ah! So I'm looking through my notes. And I had written "people are drowning in sin." Annd tonight we sang a song that had the lyrics "if grace is an ocean then we're all sinking" and the opposite-ness of them just struck me.
Thomas also talked a little bit about fear and how the best way to get over fear is to go out and do the thing you're fearing. Like, he was scared to share the gosple. So he went to the mall and started talking to people. And he talked to tons of people... and not very many people were "saved." But he's not afraid of it anymore. Soooooo yeah.
Then we had an "interactive" time where we prayed with different people for different things (our leaders, Wilmington, the campus church, each other). Then we went to lunch at McRae Park... we ate and I watched people play Ultimate Frisbee... and then we went back to the dorms and... got our stuff together... some people played Spoons with markers or crayons... and a couple of us made mailboxes and signs and such... I think we're doing a little more of that tomorrow.
Then we had breakout sessions. I went to the "Creative Evangelism" session with Shea Willis. It was pretty cool. Got some good ideas of evangelism things. (Remind me to do a post about the Solariam sometime!)
(It's getting late, so I'm buzzing through!)
Then we went to dinner (YUM! Hot food!)
And then we went back to the dorms to get our stuff together/grab a hoodie etc. and then we went to our evening session.
Worship was great. It's so amazing to just freely worship such an amazing God. I need to take some video and post them. It's fantastic.
Then Tom Short spoke about how it's "My time to Sit" and how we're seated next to Christ and stuff. (The section we went over was pretty much Ephesians 2:1-10(?) annnd 1:1-8, 19-23 I do believe.)
It was great.
More worship... announcements...
Dorm time! We had our "homegroups" or tie-downs as we usually call them. And talked about what we thought and such (and went over logistics for tomorrow which is now today!)
And now I'm here. And I need to get this to Hannah. G'night y'all! (The south is rubbing off on me! Pretty much everyone who's up front is from the South and says "y'all" :)
Bye :)
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