I've been kinda slacking on the blogging front. It's something I'm hoping to do more of over the summer. It's on my daily to-do list.
Life has been good.
Monday I didn't have BoW... because school is pretty much over! But I had a dentist appointment and went to the library, bank, and grocery store with Mom.
When we got home I had lunch and watched The Biggest Loser from a couple of weeks ago. I babysat in the afternoon... which was fairly uneventful. After that I ate dinner with the fam minus dad (because he golfs on Monday nights) and then headed off to dance! "Dance on a Monday?", you say? Yes. Dance on a Monday. It was a makeup class for one of the crazy snowdays that we've had.
I came home and... relaxed for a bit? I don't remember. Took a shower, went to bed. You know the drill.
Tuesday morning... got up... did school... Watched Make It Or Break It.
Thennnnn *drum roll please* we had a girls tea thingy! Yeah, I should have a better name for it, but I don't. But we had coffee and cookies and chocolate covered stuff. Annnnnd yes. We talked about life and whatnot. Annnnd.... after that... I don't remember what I did, honestly. But we ate dinner and then headed out to the Falls. Mom&Dad had a meeting, Katie was meeting with a couple of friends, and I had dance. On a Tuesday. Like normal. Came home, took a shower, went to bed.
Wednesday! Aka today.
Got up, ate a little bit, did a couple days worth of physics, and a couple days worth of history. Ate lunch. One of Katie and Hannah's friends, Whitney, is over for the day... she got here during lunch-time, and we talked and whatnot, ate, watched this video of Katie reading something... that was really funny... to her. It was actually quite hilarious. She was laughing until she was crying. Good stuff.
Then we went on an up-and-down-the-street walk because it looked like it was going to rain. And it did indeed rain.
Hannah and Whitney (who will be referred to from here on out as "The Crazies") went out in the rain. I went on the porch and took pictures of them. They're crazy.
Annd now they're talking. Annnnnnd I have to work soon. So. I shall be done for now.
But I hope this was a fairly good, comprehensive update!
Until later,
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