Just so y'all know, one of my summer goals is to blog every day. I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't, but it's on my list for every day.
This weekend was BUSY. But it was super fun!
I posted on Friday, right? Yeah. I did. Okay.
Saturday. Got up and moseyed around. Got ready for work. Worked from 11-3. Came home and ate. Meme&Pops were here. We sat around outside and talked and caught up. It was super fun!
We got Chiptole for dinner, which was delicious. After dinner we went for a walk. When we got home we played Wits&Wagers which is a SUPER fun game! :) We also watched an episode of Chuck (Chuck vs Agent X) which was AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZIIIINGGGGGGGGG. Chuck is just SO GOOD. I'm so sad that this next season is the last one :( But I'll live.
Sunday we did music at church, which went well. After church we came home for about 5 minutes (probably a little bit longer) and then went to Canton for a bridal shower! It was fun :) After the bridal shower I was home long enough to grab a bagel and keys and then went to the very end of the Youth Leadership meeting that was going on... which turned into PROM planning committee meeting! :)
We prayed a little bit and then hung out and chatted and ate and whatnot. They played this fantastically funny game where we came up with different scenarios and people had to come up with break-up lines in like, 15 seconds. QUITE funny.
Brandon talked about warning signs in a relationship. It was really good. (We're doing the Summer Lovin' series at The620.) To see the videos (from past weeks and eventually this week!) go to http://vimeo.com/live620!
After youth group, I dropped Kaylala off at her house and came home. Meme and I watched the Billboard music awards a bit and then Katie, Hannah, Mom & Dad got home from their walk. We sat around and they ate their Frosties. Eventually we went to bed. And that was my day!
From 8:30am-8:30pm I was home for less than 15 minutes. Just a fun fact. Hah.
Today has been... normal?
Got up, ate breakfast, Meme&Pops left, I read some of my history, took a shower, caught up on blogs, ate lunch, watched a bit of The Sound of Music, read over my physics stuff that I'm taking a test on, and now I'm blogging. I should really go over the test w/ Mom... sooo,
Adios for now!
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