Today was... decent!
Got up. Went to Sunday School. Then church. Then talked to some people after. Went home. Ate lunch. Read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Went on a walk and read. Read some more. Played the piano for a while. got ready for youth group. Went to youth group. Vacuumed. Ate some pizza. Drew on the wall a little bit (which is totally okay! haha). Played Euchre with Erin, Brandon, and Ricardo. Brandon and I beasted and won. Because we're awesome. Annnnd then I'm not sure what I did. I think I sat and talked to Meg, Spencer, and Ricky? Yeah. Thennn we all got toilet paper (Brandon was thinking of a number and we had to take the number of squares that we thought he was thinking of). I took 8 squares. I had to say 8 things about myself. You had to say at least 3 things (like if you took 1 or 2 squares) about yourself. So that was fun. I'll try to remember my 8 things.
1) I wear my slippers almost everywhere
2) I have two sisters
3) I have a dog
4) I'm homeschooled
5) I've never been to public school
6) Kaytee is my best friend and has been for 8 years
7) I was a Nerd Herder from Chuck for Halloween.
8) I wear glasses but I'm not wearing them now because I'm wearing contacts right now.
So yeah. :) That's it.
After that, we had some worship time and prayer time. That was great. Annnnd then we had a brief leadership team meeting and then chillaxed. It was a good night!
Now I'm home. And should finish this and then finish my homework. I just need to type up questions, so that's not bad.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
This is such an important thing to remember. There is a time for everything. Everything.
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
There's a time for every person to be born. A time for every person to die.
A time to plant and a time to uproot.
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
There's a time to kill. There's a time to heal and bring to life. There's a time to tear things down. A time to build things up.
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
A time to weep and a time to laugh until your stomach hurts. A time to mourn and a time to dance. (I like the laughing and dancing better, but there's a time and a place for the first of the sets.)
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
There's a time to scatter and a time to gather.
Then. One thing that's interesting to me: a time to embrace and a time to refrain. Innnteresting.
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
There's a time to search and a time to give up (it's okay to give up sometimes! It might be the time for it.)
There's a time to keep and a time to throw away.
I'm a little bit of a pack rat. It's hard for me to throw some stuff away.
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace
There's a time to tear and a time to mend. I like tearing things (like paper). But fixing things is awesome too. There's a time to shut yo mouth and a time to speak up! A time to love. A time to hate. A time for war. A time for peace. Annnd now I'm going to post the song that you think I'm going to post...
Now I'm going to go finish my homework. And then go to bed. G'night all!
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