Monday, March 22, 2010

Not Me!

I check up on MckMama's blog regularly and she does a piece called "Not me! Monday" every Monday and I though I would jump in on it today. Not Me Monday's were designed so participants can share what they have NOT been doing... Here goes nothing...

I did not finish my dance for Friday night on Thursday night... less than 24 hours before I had to perform it. I also did not leave my jeans at the warehouse. I'm so much more responsible than that. I am also not posting this with my laptop on top of my open chemistry book... I am so on top of my school work. I don't procrastinate at all by blogging... 

Oh dear. Well. There is what I have not been doing. You can hop on over to MckMama's blog and see what other people have not been up to this week!


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